batevo:basics [Digimon Rumble Arena Wiki]

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batevo:basics [2022/01/10 00:44]
blackeyemon [Okizeme]
batevo:basics [2022/01/10 00:57]
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 ^ (39F) 01:09 sec ^ (42F) 01:12 sec ^ (43F) 01:13 sec ^ (45F) 01:15 ^ (49F) 01:19 sec ^ 98 ^ 113 ^ 136 ^ ^ (39F) 01:09 sec ^ (42F) 01:12 sec ^ (43F) 01:13 sec ^ (45F) 01:15 ^ (49F) 01:19 sec ^ 98 ^ 113 ^ 136 ^
 | Agumon, Gatomon, Terriermon, Wormmon, Sakuyamon, Magnadrmon |  Gabumon, Patamon, Guilmon, Impmon, Metalgarurumon,​ Wargreymon, | Veemon, | Megagargomon,​ Beelzemon, | Imperialdramon,​ | Gallantmon, Renamon, | Stingmon, | Seraphimon, |  | Agumon, Gatomon, Terriermon, Wormmon, Sakuyamon, Magnadrmon |  Gabumon, Patamon, Guilmon, Impmon, Metalgarurumon,​ Wargreymon, | Veemon, | Megagargomon,​ Beelzemon, | Imperialdramon,​ | Gallantmon, Renamon, | Stingmon, | Seraphimon, | 
 +A Digimon that is on the ground is invulnerable,​ this includes during their wakeup animation. ​
 +Once a Digimon has got off the ground they have an additional 8 frames of invulnerability. They are able to perform actions as normal, but can’t be hit by the opponent. ​
 +There is however one move that ignores the invulnerability frames of being on the ground, the wakeup animation, and the additional 8 frames of invulnerability. This is Magnadramon’s super. As this move is the sole exception, I won’t bother discussing it in this section. ​  
 +Being invulnerable on wakeup is obviously a highly advantageous position for the knocked down player. The additional 8 frames of invulnerability lets the player turn almost any of their moves into a free reversal option, and if the opponent is nearby the knocked down player can essentially get a free throw.
 +*Shows* knd Imperialdramon waking up with a throw on wargreymon doing →+:bs: or something.
 +However, there are a few exceptions to this. Notably; if you stand behind the head of a knocked down opponent, they are now required to turn around before throwing. This reduces the number of moves the opponent can use  with the invulnerability frames on their wakeup.
 +In order to take advantage of the opponents invulnerability frames, it is preferable to use moves with long active frames or multiple hits behind the opponent. Moves such as projectiles or Wargreymon'​s :bt:, are therefore highly useful in these situations. Using moves with multiple hits or long active frames, means you aren’t required to time your attack with the end of their invulnerability. ​
 +*Shows* Wargreymon :bt: behind knd Imperialdramon
 +It is however worth noting that certain moves can hit in both directions, making it even harder to apply pressure on knocked down opponents. A very strong example of this would be Gatomons ↑+:bs:. This moves hitbox starts from Gatomon’s Tail, and so it hits earlier behind her than it does in front, making it extremely useful on her wake up.
 +Another effective option to apply pressure on a knocked down opponent is standing above them from behind while blocking. By doing this the opponent is unable to throw you, as you are behind them. While at the same time allowing you to block their wake-up attacks. Since Digimon are unable to stand in the same position at the same time, when their invulnerability frames end they will be pushed off, giving you a clear indicator that their invulnerability state has ended and allows you to go for a throw or other options safely. ​
 +===== Digivolution =====
 +When your meter bar is full you can Digivolve. This is highly advantageous as it gives you access to stronger moves, including a Super (R1). When Digivolved your meter will slowly drain, when this empties your Digimon will return to its Rookie state. If at any time you use your Super while Digivolved, your meter will drain completely and you will return to your Rookie state.
 +If you win the round while Digivolved, although you will return to your Rookie state in the next round, your meter will still carry over. This makes it beneficial to defeat the opponent as quickly as possible while Digivolved in order to keep your meter for the next round. ​
 +It is possible to digivolve while blocking. ​
 +Digivolving is also advantageous because the moment you digivolve you are on plus frames(I need to test this properly). If your opponent is nearby a throw is guaranteed. Keep in mind if the opponent is already in the middle of a move when you digivolve, you will likely get hit. 
 +Digivolving and De-digivolving almost act as combo breakers.
 +Digivolving and De-digivolving reset your jump count. If you fall off the edge, you can digivolve to gain access to more jumps.
 +Digivolving and De-digivolving removes all items/​affects on your Digimon. This is quite useful if affected by an “Evil Ring” or “Evil Spiral” item, that causes your Digimon to move randomly. It is also worth keeping this in mind when picking up the “Queens Device” item or one of the Attribute Projectiles.
 +Digivolving freezes the screen for a very long time. This gives you ample time to react to what the opponent is doing and to think about what to do next. This makes it to a degree similar to something like UNIST’s chain shift. Using Digivolution in this manner is mostly useful for punishing the opponents jumps or dashes. ​
batevo/basics.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/17 12:13 by blackeyemon